If you are working in higher education in Kentucky and researching, teaching, or otherwise working on any aspect of climate, you may be eligible to join the Kentucky Climate Consortium. KYCC membership connects you to a vibrant network of scholars interested in all dimensions of climate and how it affects Kentucky. Please check out our membership page for more information and email ukclimate@uky.edu with any questions.
Membership Benefits
- Access to a Listserv and biweekly newsletter that provides updates on upcoming events as well as important announcements
- Monthly climate chats led by members or people working on climate in other areas
- Connection to a vibrant network of scholars interested in all dimensions of climate and how it affects Kentucky
- Members include people from 10 universities and 4 related institutions statewide
- Invitation to our annual meeting as well as additional networking opportunities
- A profile on the website
- Connections to journalists and media
Membership Expectations
- Fill out the google form with information for your bio on the website