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Hart named University Attending Veterinarian

Michael W. Hart, DVM, MS, DACLAM, has been named Attending Veterinarian for the University of Kentucky. Hart previously served as Director of Animal Resources and University Veterinarian at Georgia State University. He will assume the role on August 19. 

IACUC Annual Protocols Requirement Change

With the passing of the 21st Century Cures Act and aligning with NIH/PHS Policy, the USDA is no longer requiring annual review of IACUC protocols. Principal investigators (PIs) will not submit information for annual review and approval in the Cayuse system. The OAV-IACUC office will continue to check training and University Health Service clearance on a yearly basis and reach out to individuals who need to complete/renew these items.

Planned Cayuse AO System Outage Monday, August 21st

Cayuse is performing a minor version upgrade on Monday, August 21st requiring all users to refrain from accessing the system.  Failure to comply could lead to loss of your information and delays in completion of the upgrade.  A notice will be sent when the system is available. Please have any work completed no later than August 20th.  IACUC submissions, animal orders, cage card requests, and animal transfers will be closed August 21st.

Automated Cayuse AO Animal Usage Notification Emails

As a laboratory animal user, you may have received automated Cayuse AO “Animal Usage Notification” emails advising you on the number of approved animals remaining vs the total animals approved. These emails are designed to alert you if your animal usage exceeds a certain percentage and will help you continue to plan for research activities that require animals and to amend your protocol as needed to secure approval of additional animals.