Animal Behavior Core ABC
What is the Animal Behavior Core?
As part of the translational research mission of the University of Kentucky, studies are conducted to discover new knowledge and translate those findings more rapidly to human disease applications. Rodent animal models facilitate these studies in a number of ways, including serving as models of human disease and allowing study of the impact of potential interventions on both physiology and adverse pharmacology outcomes. The analysis of mouse behavior is a critical component of these studies.
The goals of the ABC are to:
- Conduct reliable and validated animal behavior tests for investigators at University of Kentucky.
- Ensure that qualified and trained investigators have access to state-of-the-art instrumentation and expertise necessary to perform behavior tests.
- Provide assistance in the design, implementation and analysis of behavioral experiments in rodents and other animals.
For more information, please see below or our About Us page.
Tests Offered
The ABC offers validated and reliable testing of rodents and other animals over a broad range of physiological and behavioral domains, including general health, cognitive, emotional, sensory, and motor function.
For a detailed description of services offered, please see the Behavioral Tests Offered page.
Hours & Scheduling
Standard ABC hours are M-F 7AM to 5PM. Evenings and weekends are available for all trained personnel.
To schedule a service please see https://ppms.us/kentucky/login/?pf=5
For a quote please contact Robert.Kline@uky.edu
ABC alone: $79/hr. ABC staff perform the assays.
ABC + Lab: $79/hr. ABC staff assist your lab in performing assays.
Lab alone: $38.00/hr. Trained individuals perform the assays with no ABC staff involvement.
Additional fees may apply to cover administrative costs. (cleaning, setup, take down of water maze)