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What is the Light Microscopy Core?

The primary mission of light microscopy core is to support the optical imaging needs of the UK research community by assisting them in obtaining, analyzing, and quantifying high quality images and data. The facility provides access to and expertise in a wide range of advanced imaging instrumentation that include confocal, multiphoton, and super resolution microscopes. 



KY INBRE Electron Microscopy Vouchers

KY INBRE program is soliciting proposals from researchers that wish to utilize electron microscopy for imaging biological samples.  Vouchers will provide up to $5,000 to cover expenses for sample preparation, assisted electron microscopy, training, travel and lodging at any of the (3) KY INBRE Electron Microscopy facilities (UK, U of L and WKU).  The program is expected to award up to nine vouchers. The deadline for proposal submission is December 22, 2022.

Announcing the new Nikon CSU-W1 SoRa microscope now available at our LMC!


This advanced system combines confocal field scanning and super-resolution in one package. Unlike standard confocal, which scans a single point at a time, the spinning disk confocal scans hundreds of points simultaneously. This system offers fast imaging with reduced pinhole crosstalk—ideal for live cell imaging and thicker specimens. 

The addition of super-resolution imaging allows researchers to surpass the diffraction limit, achieving resolution down to 120 nm. What can be imaged in confocal mode can be further visualized in super-resolution, providing a seamless transition between imaging modalities. Training and services are available for all UK researchers now.


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Nikon AXR Confocal Microscope

Our LMC has added the Nikon AXR confocal microscope to our equipment roster. It combines high-speed Resonant scanners and high-resolution Galvano scanners up to 8k resolution. The wide field of view (25 mm) can accommodate larger samples and save image time. In conjunction with Nikon AXR confocal, we have also upgraded our data analysis capabilities. The newest NIS-Element software now includes powerful deconvolution features and AI integration. The General Analysis 3 (GA3) package offers an analysis pipeline with AI capabilities, providing a comprehensive solution for image analysis. Please contact us for inquires and bookings.

Acknowledging the Core

Please remember when submitting publications to use the following or similar text to acknowledge the core facility: "This work was supported by the UK Light Microscopy core facility."