A unique pilot study between Clay County students and UK researchers looks at circadian rhythms in children.
Randall Lewis researches unmanned aerial vehicles and immersive environments for night vision training.
Ziliak is making research-based policy recommendations to improve SNAP, to better serve children and seniors.
Ziliak describes the Promise Zone and talks about education as the best way to invest in human capital.
The Family Sodium Watchers Program helps patients and families gradually adapt low-sodium diets.
Homeplace helps underserved residents access medical, social and environmental services they need.
This one hour documentary explores issues Kentucky faces in energy and economics.
A documentary by Reveal and the Vis Center, "Thrive: The Kentucky Wine Tradition,” airs on KET.
On March 3, 2015, the state endorsed funding for a $265M multidisciplinary research building at UK.
A new metabolomics study suggests targeting a key enzyme may lead to novel drug development for lung cancer.