Nika Larian is studying the AHR transcription factor in drug metabolism and detoxification.
Stamm's work shows the function of snoRNAs in regulating alternative splicing.
Donna Arnett talks about her first research project, why she can't quit research, and her vision for the College of Public Health.
Alison Gustafson has always been interested in people, what they eat, and why they make the choices they do when it comes to food.
The lab is assessing strength, endurance, gait, and balance to prevent and better rehab injuries.
Margaret Murphy is a postdoctoral scholar in Analia Loria’s lab in pharmacology and nutritional sciences at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine.
Analia Loria, a principal investigator & assistant professor, is a researcher from UK featured on LabTV.
Analia Loria discussed her lab's research at the 2015 APS Physiology & Gender Conference.
Robin Shoemaker, a postdoctoral scholar, is the first biomedical researcher from UK to be featured on LabTV.
Health Sciences, Center for Muscle Biology and Barnstable Brown Center partner to study exercise.