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Name of Applicant Organization

University of Kentucky Research Foundation

Address of Applicant Organization

500 South Limestone 
109 Kinkead Hall
Lexington, KY 40526-0001
Ph: (859) 257-9420
Fax: (859) 323-1060

The above address should be used for federal proposals.  For packages, the address should be used in the Applicant Organization section and the Authorized Official sections.  For NSF proposals, use the above address in the Place of Performance section.

For non-federal proposals and USPS or Courier delivery use

109 Kinkead Hall
Lexington, KY 40506-0057
Ph: (859) 257-9420
Fax: (859) 323-1060

Remittance address for checks / Payments

University of Kentucky Research Foundation
c/o PNC Bank 
P.O. Box 931113
Cleveland, OH 44193

Remittance by ACH

Please contact to request bank information for electronic payments.

Official Authorized to Sign / Legally Bind Applicant Organization

Kim C. Carter, Associate Director
University of Kentucky Research Foundation
(determine which address to use per instructions above)

Research Financial Services / Fiscal contact for federal proposals

Paige G. Brown, Director 
337 Frank D Peterson Service Building
Lexington, KY 40506-0005
(859) 257-3662

Research Financial Services / Fiscal contact for non-federal proposals

Paige G. Brown, Director 
337 Frank D Peterson Service Building
Lexington, KY 40506-0005
(859) 257-3662

Fringe Benefits

Please note that Student Health and Tuition rates are still estimates.

Benefit Faculty Staff Post Doc Graduate/Undergrad Students and
Temp/Part-Time Staff
Social Security 7.65% 7.65% 7.65% 7.65%
Retirement 10%  10%  N/A N/A
Other Fringe



Life Insurance 0.036% 0.036% 0.036% N/A
ADD 0.011% 0.011% 0.011% N/A

Total Percent

 Updated 5/2/24




Life Insurance
Details on Rates for Optional Life Insurance Coverage
PLUS a Prorated Amount of Health Insurance
Multi-year projects should project a 3% increase in insurance per year. Amounts shown below are for the '24-'25 year. Estimated Student Health costs for future years are provided below.
Employee $736/mo
Employee Combined Credit $861/mo
Employee & Children $986/mo
Employee & Spouse $1,216/mo
Employee & Family $1,442/mo

NIH Salary Cap: NIH Salary Limitation on Grants and Cooperative Agreements: NOT-OD-23-056

Health Insurance: Health Insurance for TBN (to be named) positions or where the insurance class is unknown, should be calculated at the full family rate. Also, personnel are responsible for any additional insurance provider. See the UK HR page for more information.

Graduate or Undergraduate: Students who carry certain course loads are exempt from FICA. However, at the proposal stage, we suggest you include the FICA for all students because student loads are often below the required level.

Graduate Students: If graduate student wages are budgeted in a proposal, support for graduate student tuition should also be budgeted. Graduate student tuition should be budgeted under "Other" direct costs in the proposal budget. For 20 hr/week research assistants, tuition and health insurance rates are summarized here.

Facilities & Administration Costs

Information on the current F&A costs can be found on the primary F&A costs page.

Enrichment Program

For information on enrichment eligibility and calculating enrichment splits, visit the Research Enrichment Program page.

Annual Budget Escalation

NOTE: Sponsors may limit escalation. Please check policy and the funding opportunity.

Recommended Rates:

No escalation to the most recently released DHHS Salary Cap rate; 3% annually for institutional base salary [IBS].  (Note:  the fringe benefit rate should not be escalated; use current fringe rates and apply to the escalated salaries.)  

The current DHHS Salary Cap must be applied to the proposal budget in each budget year it will be in effect.  Do not assume a higher Salary Cap in the future will negate the need for applying the current cap to that budget period.  Actual IBS should be listed in the proposal submission, but effort multiplied by current Salary Cap in the proposal budget when applicable. 

Salary Cap also applies to summer salary; see here.  

Other agencies with salary limitations:
NIFA (actual IBS even when above cap should be requested in proposal as prior approval)

Health insurance and Universal Tuition & Fees:
3% annually.

All other costs:
5% annually.

Travel Costs:
Mileage: 67 cents per mile
Per Diem Rates: Reimbursement of Travel Expenses

Environmental Surcharge Rate

Codes, Accreditation Dates, and Tax Status

Verification of UKRF's Tax Status (pdf)

AAALAC Date: 3/9/2021

Accrediting Body: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (December, 1982)

Age Discrimination Assurance: 4/23/92

ASAP Recipient ID: 2132497

Civil Rights Assurance: filed 6/17/65 (this assurance corresponds to 45 CFR 80)

Cognizant Federal Agency and Contact: Department of Health & Human Services, Darryl W. Mayes, Deputy Director, Cost Allocation Services, 7700 Wisconsin Avenue Suite 2300, Bethesda MD 20814, Phone: (214) 767-3261

Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE): 5B333

Congressional District: 6th (KY-006)

Contractor's Establishment Code (CEC): 11-011-857H

Cost Accounting Standards DS-2 Approval Date: 1/1/2010 (DS-2)

Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number: 93-901-7877 (aka Dun and Bradstreet number/code) Note: Some applications are requiring a longer DUNS number. Please add zeros at the end as needed (example - 9390178770000)

DHHS Entity Identification Number: 1616033693C4

Entity Identification Number (EIN): 616033693 (aka Tax Identification Number)

European Commission PIC Number: 892880927

Facilities and Administrative Cost Agreement (Date of Most Recent): 06/20/24

Federalwide Assurance Number: FWA00005295 (replaces former IRB Assurance of Compliance Number and is on file with Department of Health and Human Services) 

Federalwide Assurance Number Approval Date: August 28, 2003 

Federalwide Assurance Number Expiration Date: May 18, 2026

Handicapped Individuals Assurance: filed 6/14/77

Institutional Profile Number (NIH):  2793601

Misconduct in Science: filed 12/18/91 (no longer on PHS checklist)

NSF Institutional Code : 0019893001 (aka NSF Number)

National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) ID: 157085

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code: 611310

Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) Assurance Number: D16-00217 (A3336-01) Animal Care Number

Office of Postsecondary Education ID: 00198900

System for Award Management (SAM) registration valid through: 5/22/2025

Sex Discrimination Assurance: filed 4/11/77

Standard Industrial Code (SIC): 8221

Unique Entity Identifier (UEI): H1HYA8Z1NTM5