Conflict of Interest
As a public land-grant institution, the University of Kentucky has an obligation to the citizens of the Commonwealth and the general public to conduct its activities transparently and with integrity. The University is committed to avoiding financial conflicts of interest that may compromise, or appear to compromise, the integrity and objectivity of research and the safety of human research subjects. Because the University encourages its members to engage in outside activities and relationships that enhance its missions, real or perceived conflicts of interest may arise.
The keystone of an effective program for identifying and dealing with financial conflicts of interest is full disclosure of those financial interests that reasonably appear related to one’s institutional responsibilities.
This website is intended to help University of Kentucky Investigators and recipients of subawards/contracts understand the requirements for disclosure, their responsibilities for updating those disclosures, and the Institutional policies related to COI management and transparency.
For any questions, please contact Emily Bradford, COI policy analyst (859-323-2973).
University/State Policies
AR 7:2 Research Conflict of Interest and Financial Disclosure Policy
AR 7:9 Institutional Conflicts of Interest Involving Research
AR 3:9 Consulting and Other Overload Employment
GR XIV Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct
University of Kentucky COI Guidelines for Institutional Officials
University of Kentucky COI Management Process for Investigators
Public Accessibility of Financial Interests as Required by Public Health Service