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Facility Use


All users must complete steps 1 through 3 below before receiving training on core instruments. Training is performed for either individuals or for groups of two (2) users. If you are a new user, please read the New User Procedure documentation (PDF, 1pg).

Facility Access

Users can request badge access by emailing Xu Fu. Access is restricted to registered users or with permission from facility staff. 

Service Rates

Light Microscopy Core Service Rates for FY24-25
Rates are subject to change, prior to RFS Approval
Instrument UK Investigators      Non-UK Investigators
Atomic Force $33/hr $50/hr
Imaris $5/hr $8/hr
Nikon A1R $33/hr $50/hr
Nikon A1R (5 pm - 8 am) $30/hr --
Nikon A1R - Time Lapse $122 $187
Nikon SIM/STORM $33/hr $50/hr
Nikon SIM/STORM (5 pm - 8 am) $30/hr --
X Clarity - Unassisted $22 $34
X Clarity - Assisted $207 $317
Zeiss LSM880 $33/hr $50/hr
Zeiss Axioscan Z1 $7/hr $11/hr
Zeiss Axioscan Z7 $11/hr $17/hr
Widefield $6/hr $9/hr
Laser Capture Microdissection $15/hr $23/hr
Nikon AXR $36/hr $55/hr
Nikon AXR (5 pm - 8 am) $33/hr --
Nikon AXR - Time Lapse $132 $202
Spectral Ami HT $16/hr $24/hr
Automated Craniotomy $5/hr $8/hr
Technical Services/Support $41/hr $63/hr
Spinning Disk Confocal $36/hr $55/hr
Spinning Disk Confocal
(5 pm - 8 am)
$33/hr --


The Light Microscopy Core offers a variety of imaging services ranging from initial consultation to data analysis.

Imaging Services

In addition to providing access and training for our instruments, we also offer complete imaging services. This can be as extensive as designing the experiment, collection of data, and performing analysis. Imaging services are available on all of the instruments in the facility, with the exception of the AFM. If you are interested in these services, please contact our staff for a consultation on your imaging needs. 

Imaging services include:

  • Fluorescence Microscopy
  • Confocal microscopy
  • Differential Interference Contrast (DIC)
  • Phase Contrast
  • Total Internal Reflection (TIRF)
  • Forster Resonance Energy Transfer
  • Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching (FRAP)
  • Superresolution Microscopy (STORM/SIM)
  • Multiphoton Microscopy
  • Imaging Cleared Tissue
  • Intravital Imaging

Data Clinics

The facility staff regularly holds data workshops for existing users. This process is designed to assist users with the analysis of their data. The staff goes over the users' existing analysis procedures and reviews alternative methods. The purpose of these sessions is to assist users in improving the collection and quantification of their data. Data clinics are designed to help users produce data for publications, presentations, and grant submissions. Please contact our staff to schedule a meeting. 

Image Processing

The facility contains a data analysis computer with software that can process data files from each of the instruments. This system is available free of charge for data collected on our instruments. The data analysis computer can be booked on our instrument calendar. We also offer fee-based services where a staff member will process and analyze user collected data. To request services, contact our staff. 


The facility houses an X-Clarity tissue clearing system. The clearing process can be used to make tissue optically transparent. This allows for 3-dimensional imaging up to a few millimeters deep into tissues. To schedule a consultation, please fill out or contact form.


Craniotomy Training

Craniotomy training for in vivo imaging, Cardiac perfusion training for brain tissue dissection and clearing is now available. To schedule a training and for more information, please contact Dr. Xu Fu (

Craniotomy Training

Acknowledging the Core

Please remember when submitting publications to use the following or similar text to acknowledge the core facility: "This work was supported by the UK Light Microscopy core facility."