Resources & Publications
Articles and Protocol Sources
- Flow Cytometry - A Basic Introduction
- Interpreting flow cytometry data: a guide for the perplexed. (pdf, 5pgs)
Spectral Viewers Information
- BD Sciences
- Invitrogen
Note: the main difference between these are the specific reagents that each company sells - eBioscience FluorPlan (customizable to various instrument configurations and multiple laser lines)
- Cytek
- All new projects must have a Biosafety Questionnaire completed and sent to the facility director for approval prior to bringing any samples to the facility. This is necessary to plan safe handling of samples by core personnel.
UK Flow Cytometry Biosafety Questionnaire (pdf, 2 pgs) - All samples received by the Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Core Facility must be accompanied by a Sample Information Form which lists the nature of the samples and any biohazards related to the samples.
UK Flow Cytometry Sample Information Form (pdf, 4 pgs)
Acknowledging the Core
Please remember when submitting publications to use the following or similar text to acknowledge the core facility: “This work was supported by the UK Flow Cytometry & Immune Monitoring core facility.”