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BD FACSymphony

The FACSymphony cell analyzers are equipped with 5 lasers and 23 detectors. It can simultaneously measure up to 21 fluorescent antibodies or probes, as well as forward light scatter (cell size) and side light scatter (cell granularity).

BD FACSymphony

BD FACSymphony S6 Cell Sorter

The BD FACSymphony™ S6  is a BSL-2 contained Cell Sorter equipped with 5 spatially  separated  lasers ( 355,405, 488,562,and 637) with capabilities to identify sort populations with 20 colors plus FSC and SSC.

Book the instrument here.

BD FACSymphony S6 Cell Sorter

Cytek Aurora

The Aurora is full spectrum flow cytometer with 5 lasers (55 nm, 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, and 640 nm) and 67 detectors. The new technology of spectral flow cytometry greatly increases the capacity for multi-dimensional analysis in complex cell populations.

Cytek Aurora

AutoMACS Pro Magnetic Cell Separator

This cell sorter is a high performance immunomagnetic cell separation instrument with fully automated functions for hands-free operation, such as fully automated labeling of multiple samples. Sorting on this instrument utilizes antibodies that are labeled with an iron-containing compound, which are then separated automatically from unlabeled cells with a rare earth magnet. Cells can be separated using positive selection, depletion or untouched isolation programs. Cooling racks allow the maintenance of integrity of samples and eluated fractions. This magnetic cell sorter is useful for pre-enrichment prior to cell sorting or analysis, especially when rare cells are of interest.

AutoMACS Pro Magnetic Cell Separator

BIOTEK Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Multimode Reader

Cytation 5 combines automated microscopy and conventional microplate detection in a configurable, upgradable platform. The microscopy module offers up to 60x magnification in fluorescence, brightfield, high contrast brightfield, color brightfield, and phase contrast to address many applications and workflows.

The multimode detection modules include filter- and monochromator-based fluorescence detection, luminescence, and UV-Vis absorbance detection. Gen5 software provides complete control over all imaging and data capture, plus powerful image and data analysis.

Book the instrument here.



This cell analyzer is equipped with 5 lasers: blue, red, violet, yellow, and near UV and can simultaneously measure up to 19 fluorescent antibodies or probes, as well as forward light scatter (cell size) and side light scatter (cell granularity).  It is fitted with plate loader for 96-well plates for analysis, can analyze sample volumes as low as 10 ul and has nanoparticle resolution as low as 200 nm.  It also performs absolute cell counts for every sample and population.


ImmunoSpot S6 Universal Visible/Fluorescent Analyzer

This instrument provides high-resolution visible and fluorescent light analysis for use in applications that benefit from morphometric analysis, including ELISPOT assays, colony counting (bacterial, yeast, stem cell, tumor cells), plaque and clonogenic assays, and genotoxic/cytotoxic assays.  It is compatible with all plate formats from 100mm Petri dish to 384-well microplates.

ImmunoSpot S6 Universal Visible/Fluorescent Analyzer

Isoplexis IsoSpark

The Isoplexis is a fully automated chip based platform to measure functional immunophenotype of immune cells at single cell level or bulk analysis of analytes secreted by immune cells. This automated platform can perform single-cell intracellular proteome ( up to 32 analytes) to reveal highly polyfunctional cells that simultaneously secrete multiple cytokines. The platform also detects cytokine and chemokine produced by immune cells.

Book the instrument here.

Isoplexis IsoSpark


The Luminex xMAP INTELLIFLEX system is an advanced and versatile multiplexing platform for protein and gene expression analysis. The instrument designed for 96- or 384- well high-throughput analysis of up to 500 analytes with 5.5 logs of dynamic range. The instrument is compatible with all Invitrogen ProcartaPlex multiplex immunoassays, Invitrogen QuantiGene Plex multiplex gene expression assays.


Seahorse XF Pro Analyzer

Agilent Seahorse XF Pro analyzer measures and reports the oxygen consumption rate (OCR), proton efflux rate (PER) or extracellular acidification rate (ECAR), as well as ATP production rates of live cells in a 96-well format. XF Analyzers perform compound addition and mixing, label-free analytical detection, and automatic measurement of OCR and ECAR in real time. The XF Pro analyzer is also equipped with advanced software, standardized workflows, and advanced data analytics available in the Agilent Seahorse Analytics software. The Seahorse XF pro analyzer is connected to a citation 5 multimode plate reader that provides integrated imaging and normalization system for your assay.

Book the instrument here.

Seahorse XF Pro Analyzer

Data Analysis

Standardized data analysis is available to investigators for each set of samples, depending upon the application. Data can be reanalyzed at the request of the investigator with a 30-minute minimum service charge. The flow facility also makes available several workstations and software options for users to analyze their own data at no additional charge. The facility also has a site license for FlowJo software. Investigators upon request can purchase a seat on UK’s license for FlowJo by contacting Jamie Sturgill or sending an email to


Training and Consultation

All training and consultation with FCIM staff can be arranged by calling facility staff during regular business hours.  The following are examples of available training and consultation.

  • Training of researchers and staff who prefer self-service operation of cell analyzers. 
  • Training for data analysis using facility software or the FlowJo site license.
  • Consultation on experimental design of upcoming studies
  • Reanalysis of flow cytometric data by facility staff.    

An hourly fee rate for training and consultation can be found under “Rates & Policies.”

Didactic training classes will be offered starting August 2023. For more information or to request a specific topic please contact the core at