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If you decide to share data with other users, you will need to decide what role each user will have from the four options below.  For an overview on sharing, click here

  • Owner - can edit, clone, and delete the entire notebook. An Owner can control who has access to the data. There can only be one designated person for this role. This person is usually a Principle Investigator, Project/Lab Manager.
  • Administrator - has the same rights as the owner, but they cannot delete or clone a notebook. Each Administrator occupies 1 seat.
  • User - can be given edit or view only rights. A User cannot share a notebook. Each User occupies 1 seat.
  • Guest - can be given edit rights for 60 days. After 60 days, the Guest access will become read only. There isn't a limit on the number of Guests. 

Below is a table of privileges based on their role in the notebook.  

Role Owner Administrator User Guest 
Read/Edit? Yes Yes Yes Edit access can only be given for 60 days
Can Comment? Yes Yes Yes Only with Owner/Admin approval
Can Delete Comments? Yes Yes Only if it is the Users' Comment Only if it is the Guests' Comment
Allow Commenting Privileges? Yes Yes No No
Can be part of a Group? No Yes Yes No
Can Share? Yes Yes No No
Can Modify Permissions? Yes Yes No No
Can Clone a Notebook? Yes No No No
Can Transfer Ownership of a Notebook? Yes No No No
Can Access "Manage My Account"? Yes No No No
Can Access "Notebook Settings"? Yes Yes No No
Allow Markdown in Plain Text Entries? Yes Yes No No
Specify Adding New Entries to Top/Bottom of Page? Yes No No No
Can Use "Rearrange Entries" Page Tool? Yes No No No
Allow Signing/Witnessing in Notebook? Yes No No No
Can Restrict Use of "Copy from Another Notebook"? Yes No No No
Can Sign? Yes Only with Owner/Admin Approval and Edit Rights to Page Only with Owner/Admin Approval and Edit Rights to Page Only with Owner/Admin Approval and Edit Rights to Page
Can Witness? Yes Only with Owner/Admin Approval and Full Access Group Only with Owner/Admin Approval and Full Access Group No

Having Access to the Notebook Settings menu entails: 

  1. Control commenting privileges.
  2. Ability to add/remove persons from the notebook.
  3. Control the Roles of all persons in the notebook.
  4. Control signing and witnessing privileges for all persons in the notebook.
  5. Ability to create and modify LabArchives® Groups.
  6. Ability to remove persons from LabArchives® Groups. 

Source: LabArchives® 6.02 User Roles and Privileges [HTML]