Ideal when you want to access your notebooks on a small mobile device. It complements the full web version of LabArchives® with handy features that leverage tablet and smartphone features. To get started, download the Mobile App from the Google Play Store or iTunes App Store. Due to device variation, the mobile app may appear slightly different on your device compared to the screenshots below. The functionality will remain the same.
LabArchives® Mobile Apps
Login to the Mobile App
After launching the LabArchives® app, access LabArchives® through your Institutional single sign on system, click "Sign in with institution, and select your institution from the list. You will be directed your institution login page.
Note: Because the University of Kentucky (UK) Single Sign-on System uses Duo, you will need to use the passcode authentication method to generate a passcode.
If you access LabArchives on another server, tap the gear icon to open settings and select your server.
For more information about Accessing LabArchives on the Australian Server Click Here.
For more information about Accessing LabArchives on the UK Server Click Here.
Notebook Navigator
To view other notebooks in your account, tap ≡ icon on the top left.
To open a Page or folder tap on the name of that item.
To create a new page or folder tap +, provide a name for the page or folder, and tap "Create."
A preview of each entry will be shown on the page. To view the full entry, tap on the entry. To view a widget thumbnail, image or PDF attached to your notebook, tap on the entry. To open an entry in the web browser, tap "web".
Create and Edit Entries
To add a new entry to a page tap +, and select the entry type that you would like to add.
To edit an existing entry, tap on the entry then tap the pencil icon on the top right. When you are finished with the entry click the check icon in the top right corner of your screen to save. To cancel your edits, click the X icon.
Rich Text
The rich text entry allows you to add, edit and format text on the page. To learn more Rich Text entries please Click Here.
Headings allow you to divide a notebook page making it more readable and visually appealing.
Plain Text
The Plain text entry does not have the formatting options available with the rich text entry. Note: Plain text entries viewed on the mobile app do not support Markdown.
You can take a photo or attach an image from your library. Name the image and select the image size.
You can record audio or attach an audio file from your device. If you choose to record audio from within the app tap the Red Circle to record. When you are finished, name the file on the “Capture” field.
You can record Video or attach a Video file from your device. When you are finished, name the file on the “Name” field.
To change the pen color, tap the color square on the top right, select a color, brightness and saturation. To adjust the thickness of the pen, tap the PEN ICON. To turn on or off the eraser, tap "eraser." When you are finished, tap the word “Save” to save the sketch. Note: After Saving, sketches made on the mobile app are treated as images.
To receive notifications on the mobile app, turn on notifications in settings. To open your notifications, you can tap the bell on the top right or Click Notifications.
To filter your notifications, tap the filter icon, select the filters that you would like to turn on or off and select apply. To mark a notification as read tap the red dot. Tap the notification to view the page.
To view or comment on an entry tap the Comment Icon. If an entry has a comment you will you see a green number indicating the number of comments. When you are finished adding your comment, tap Done to save. To delete a comment tap, delete.
To perform a simple search of your notebook tap the on the top right of the page. To learn more about the LabArchives® Search feature Click Here.
Android Only Save files to LabArchives from other apps
Several applications allow you to share photos or files to the LabArchives® App. After logging in, select “Save to Inbox” or “Save to Notebook.”
If you select save to notebook, you will be prompted to select the page. Save to inbox will add the file to your LabArchives® Inbox. To learn more about the inbox, Click Here.
Session Timeout Feature
Your institution may set an institution-wide timeout for mobile app sessions. If you are inactive for a period of time, you will see the following message. Once the session has timed out, you will be back on the Login page.
Speech to Text
Many users will take advantage of the Voice to text options provided by Google Voice, Siri, or another voice to text tool. Due to the variation in devices, please contact the manufacturer of your device for more information on the voice to text options available.
Handwriting to Text
Many devices support the use of a stylus to input text using the keyboard. Due to the variation in devices, please contact the manufacturer of your device for more information on the handwriting to text options available.