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Rates & Per Diems

Our rate chart listed here will provide you with information for animal housing charges for the current fiscal period. Additionally, we have included fees for Experimental Surgery. 

Cage Densities for Mice housed in DLAR
Social Housing and Environmental Enrichment

Please read Clarification on what is and is not barrier housing, as it pertains to the per diem rates.


Division of Laboratory Animal Resources Service Rates for FY24-25
Service UK Investigators Non-UK Investigators
Mouse - IVC Rack $0.99 per cage/day $1.51 per cage/day
Mouse - Static Cage (includes Thermal Cabinets) $1.03 per cage/day $1.58 per cage/day
Mouse Barrier $1.35 per cage/day $2.07 per cage/day
Mouse - Diabetic $4.06 per cage/day $6.21 per cage/day
Mouse - Quarantine Disp. Cage $3.97 per cage/day $6.07 per cage/day
Mouse - Spiny $2.42 per animal/day $3.70 per animal/day
Other Rodents $1.18 per animal/day $1.81 per animal/day
Other Rodents - Barrier (BSL2, IVC) $1.60 per animal/day $2.45 per animal/day
Other Rodents - Diabetic $4.73 per animal/day $7.23 per animal/day
Other Rodent - Quarantine $1.42 per animal/day $2.17 per animal/day
Rabbit/Ferret $6.13 per animal/day $9.38 per animal/day
Rabbit/Ferret - Barrier (BSL2, IVC) $7.45 per animal/day $11.40 per animal/day
NHP $17.44 per animal/day $26.68 per animal/day
NHP - Quarantine $29.47 per animal/day $45.09 per animal/day
Dog < 5 years age $13.85 per animal/day $21.20 per animal/day
Dog - Chronic > 5 years age $17.97 per animal/day $27.50 per animal/day
Pig/Sheep $28.76 per animal/day $44.00 per animal/day
Alpaca $17.55 per animal/day $26.86 per animal/day
Avian Adult $2.34 per animal/day $3.58 per animal/day
Avian Juvenile $5.68 per brooder/day $8.68 per brooder/day
Amphibians $1.40 per animal/day $2.14 per animal/day
Admin Fee/Animal Purchase $27.85/order $42.61/order
International Animal Order Fee $55.70/order $85.22/order
Cancellation/Emergency Setup Fee $27.85/order $42.61/order
Supply/Drug Order Fee $22.28/order $34.09/order
In Stock Supply Fee $1.28/order $1.95/order
Investigator Attention $15.45/attention $23.64/attention
Husbandry Tech Time $52.95/hour $81.02/hour
Vet Time $129.78/hour $198.56/hour
Vet Tech Time $55.16/hour $84.39/hour
Surgery Room Rate $140.60/hour $215.11/hour
Prep Room Rate $70.30/hour $107.56/hour
Minor Surgery - Supplies $118.45/procedure $181.23/procedure
Major Surgery - Supplies $324.45/procedure $496.41/procedure
Sterilization by Ethylene Oxide $31.57/load $48.30/load
Sterilization Steam $8.60/load $13.16/load
Single PI Room Sanitation $108.15/month $165.47/month
Xray $32.45/plate $49.64/plate
Serum Chemistry $64.89/sample $99.28/sample
Sanitation Swab $4.60/sample $7.04/sample
IDEXX CBC Assisted $11.33/sample $17.33/sample
Cryo Sperm Collection $486.68/strain $744.61/strain
Cryo Sperm Storage $6.49 per strain/month $9.93 per strain/month
Anesthetic Machine <4hr/day $33.08/day $50.60/day
Anesthetic Machine >4hr/day $49.61/day $75.91/day
iStat Machine $20.60/8 hrs $31.52/8 hrs
UltraSound - Large Animal $133.90/scan $204.87/scan

Research & Technical Services

To request the use of a rodent anesthesia machine please check Rodent Anesthesia Machine information.

DLAR Research Analysts may provide their services, based on scheduling availability.  Investigators will be charged a veterinary Technician fee minimum of a half hour (See Current Per Diem rates and Charges for the Current Fiscal Year) plus supplies if not provided.  These services include, but are not limited to the following:

If you would like to discuss your need of a service or procedure, listed above or not, please reach out to our DLAR Research Analyst: Glenn Florence and Kristin Fox

Experimental Surgery

Our Experimental Surgery Unit offers 4 fully equipped surgery suites, One suite is dedicated for multi-species sterile surgery, one suite may be used for sterile or non-sterile surgical procedures. One suite is dedicated as an imaging room and contains Cardiac Fluoroscopy and dental x-ray equipment and the fourth suite is a dedicated species sterile surgery. We have a wide variety of instruments available for use, and do steam, gas and chemical sterilizations. 

Access to the surgical facility is restricted. You must have an IACUC approved animal protocol with a surgical component. Additional approval forms are available from the DLAR office which must be approved by our veterinarians prior to access being granted.

The surgical suites may book as much as 3 months in advance so the earlier you reserve your dates in the better. We prefer to do survival surgery toward the beginning of the week.

To schedule time in our surgical area please contact our Surgery Coordinator, Ameila Hall. If there are specific questions that you need an answer to immediately, please contact one of the following individuals:
Amelia Hall or Wade Washington.

The fee schedule for the Experimental Surgery use can be found in the Per Diems and Other Service Fees section. Technical assistance is available on a fee for services basis if needed.

Aseptic Rodent Surgery Workshop

This workshop will demonstrate the appropriate way to prep your surgical area and patient in an aseptic manner. Handouts will be offered for future reference as well. 

Please contact Dr. Cheryl Haughton to sign up for the workshop or if you need any further information.

The Charles River Laboratories hosts a video presentation on the JoVE website entitled "Principals of Rodent Surgery for the new Surgeon".

To Request the Use of a Rodent Anesthesia Machine

For the Central Animal Facility and Combs: Contact Glenn Florence

For BBSRB, Todd BioPharm, Heathy Kentucky Research Building (HKRB), and MDSB: Contact Kristin Fox

If this is the first time that you have requested to use an anesthetic machine, you will need to schedule for the Use of Rodent Anesthesia Machine Workshop.  Once completed you will be sent “Anesthetic Machine Use Requisition” Template. Please fill the yellow highlighted sections and send back to Glenn and Kristin.

To reserve a procedure room, you will need to visit the Event Management System (EMS) for the University of Kentucky at https://meetatbigblue.uky.eduThe procedure room and anesthetic machines must be reserved separately.

After the initial set-up, email Glenn Florence or Kristin Fox with:

  • Date, Time, & Room Needed
  • Account and Protocol Number
  • Name of the PI
  • Any special equipment needed (four-station machine, extra boxes or nose cone etc.)

 Important Notes

  • It is the user's responsibility to reserve a procedure room.
  • Please give as much notice as possible. At a minimum, 24 hours' notice is required. 
  • Do not use alcohol on the induction chambers. This causes them to crack and become unusable. 

If you have any questions or problems, please contact either DLAR Research Analyst listed above. If unable to contact either, please contact Wade Washington or Amelia Hall.