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The FY24-25 fiscal year rates will continue to be reviewed on a quarterly basis and rates may fluctuate based on the Cost Accounting Standard guidelines. The following rates are effective July 1, 2024 (rates are subject to change prior to RFS approval): **Note- the following rates are for internal accounts only.  If you are external to the University of Kentucky, please contact us for rates.

Equipment Hourly Rate Quarter Hour Rate Additional Details
3T PRISMA Scanner $546.00 $136.50 Tech Assistance
$461.00 $115.25 No Tech Assistance
$282.00 $70.50 After Hours & Without Assistance
$37.00 --- Sequence Development w/o Tech
7T BioSpec Scanner $233.00 $58.25 Tech Assistance
$175.00 $43.75 No Tech Assistance
$106.00 $26.50 After Hours & Without Assistance
$24.00 --- Sequence Development w/o Tech
SKYSCAN MicroCT $61.00 $15.25 Tech Assistance/Training
$33.00 $8.25 No Tech Assistance


With prior approval from the Director, MRI qualified UK faculty scientists or research associates with a completed "Approval for Independent Research Scanning" form on file may operate the scanners and thus qualify for the "No Tech Assistance" rate. 

A 48-hour advance notice for all cancellations is requested. Failure to do so may result in being charged for the reserved time. Each cancellation will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please see below for more information on the Cancellation Policy.

Research budgets for grant proposals being submitted for funding after June 30, 2025 should anticipate a rate of up to $625.00/hour on the 3T PRISMA system AND $300/hr on the 7T BioSpec. No Tech Asst is based on utilizing UK employed MR Technologists. 

Our systems will continue to be available all day for research protocols. Our hours will be 8:00am to 4:30pm. If needed, we will adjust our hours to meet your needs. Please contact our technologist to start planning your scheduling needs on our system. 


Training for use of the MRISC equipment is available. After completion of the training, UK faculty scientists and research associates can qualify for the after hours and no technical assistance rates. 

Priority Scanning Policy

  1. Critical Care and time sensitive research protocols (such as stroke studies)
  2. Funded projects
  3. Clinical scanning if needed to meet patient demand
  4. System updates and maintenance
  5. Protocol Development for new projects
  6. Training on system

Cancellation Policy

The billing process will be handled as follows in regard to cancellations

Notice Charge
48+ hours notice no charge
24-48 hours notice 50% charge
Less than 24 hours notice 100% charge

Each cancellation will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

PI's with certified techs- if your tech should be out ill, you may contact our technologist for assistance in running your scheduled scan. However, we request a 2-hour notice and this is not a guarantee we will be available. Availability will depend on what we have scheduled on our systems and calendars.