The FY24-25 fiscal year rates will continue to be reviewed on a quarterly basis and rates may fluctuate based on the Cost Accounting Standard guidelines. The following rates are effective July 1, 2024 (rates are subject to change prior to RFS approval): **Note- the following rates are for internal accounts only. If you are external to the University of Kentucky, please contact us for rates.
Equipment | Hourly Rate | Quarter Hour Rate | Additional Details |
3T PRISMA Scanner | $546.00 | $136.50 | Tech Assistance |
$461.00 | $115.25 | No Tech Assistance | |
$282.00 | $70.50 | After Hours & Without Assistance | |
$37.00 | --- | Sequence Development w/o Tech | |
7T BioSpec Scanner | $233.00 | $58.25 | Tech Assistance |
$175.00 | $43.75 | No Tech Assistance | |
$106.00 | $26.50 | After Hours & Without Assistance | |
$24.00 | --- | Sequence Development w/o Tech | |
SKYSCAN MicroCT | $61.00 | $15.25 | Tech Assistance/Training |
$33.00 | $8.25 | No Tech Assistance |
With prior approval from the Director, MRI qualified UK faculty scientists or research associates with a completed "Approval for Independent Research Scanning" form on file may operate the scanners and thus qualify for the "No Tech Assistance" rate.
A 48-hour advance notice for all cancellations is requested. Failure to do so may result in being charged for the reserved time. Each cancellation will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please see below for more information on the Cancellation Policy.
Research budgets for grant proposals being submitted for funding after June 30, 2025 should anticipate a rate of up to $625.00/hour on the 3T PRISMA system AND $300/hr on the 7T BioSpec. No Tech Asst is based on utilizing UK employed MR Technologists.
Our systems will continue to be available all day for research protocols. Our hours will be 8:00am to 4:30pm. If needed, we will adjust our hours to meet your needs. Please contact our technologist to start planning your scheduling needs on our system.