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Species Inhalant Dose, Route and Notes Injectable Dose, Route and Notes
Mouse Isoflurane 1-4%,
Mask or intubation
preparation and dosing
Ketamine/xylazine 90-150 mg/kg BW IP and 5-10 mg/kg BW IP
Rat Isoflurane 1-4%,
Mask or intubation
Ketamine/Dexmedetomidine preparation and dosing
Ketamine/xylazine 40-90 mg/kg BW IP and 5-7 mg/kg BW IP
Guinea Pig ** Isoflurane Mask recommended Telazol/xylazine/
60 mg/kg BW IP and 5 mg/kg BW IP and 0.1 mg/kg BW IP
Gerbil Isoflurane Mask recommended Telazol 60 mg/kg BW IM Telazol
Ketamine/medetomidine 75 mg/kg BW IP and 0.5 mg/kg BW IP
Hamster Isoflurane Mask recommended Ketamine/xylazine
(Syrian Hamster only!!)
150-200 mg/kg BW ketamine and 10 mg/kg BW xylazine administer IP
Telazol/xylazine 30 mg/kg BW and 10 mg/kg BW, administer IP
Rabbit Isoflurane 1-4%, Intubation*
Ketamine/Midazolam 30 mg/kg BW IM ketamine and 0.2 mg/kg BW IM midazolam
Ketamine/medetomidine 25-35 mg/kg BW IM and 0.5 mg/kg BW IM
Sheep Isoflurane 1-4%, Intubation* Ketamine/xylazine 5-10 mg/kg BW IM and 0.2 mg/kg BW IM
(For induction only)
3-7 mg/kg BW IV, administer slowly IV
Cats Isoflurane 1-4%, Intubation* Propofol
(For induction only)
3-4 mg/kg BW, administer slowly IV
Ketamine/midazolam 10 mg/kg BW IM and 0.2 mg/kg BW IM
Dogs Isoflurane 1-4%, Intubation* Propofol
(For induction only)
3-4 mg/kg BW, administer slowly IV
Ketamine/medetomidine Minor procedures only
5-7 mg/kg BW IM and 0.03-0.04 mg/kg BW IM
Ferrets Isoflurane 1-4%, Intubation* Ketamine/xylazine 20-30 mg/kg BW IM and 4-6 mg/kg BW IM
Tiletimine/zolazepam (Telazol) 12-22 mg/kg BW IM
Swine Isoflurane 1-4%, Intubation* Ketamine/xylazine 20 mg/kg BW IM and 2 mg/kg BW IM
Ketamine/midazolam 10-15 mg/kg BW IM and 0.5-2.0 mg/kg BW IM

Other anesthetics can be used. Please consult with a DLAR veterinarian for further details.

*induction required can be variable - mask or injectable.

**injectable recommended over inhalant.

A Good, Safe Rabbit Pre-Med Anesthesia

It's been found that a great pre-med for rabbits, especially the very young, light weight bunnies is Ketamine/Midazolam vs. Ketamine/Xylazine. 

This cocktail has been found to be better absorbed, less irritating, safe (no respiration/cardio depression), and more appropriate for IM administration in rabbits. 

Rabbits are induced much more smoothly, then weaned onto Isoflurane via mask. The recommended dosage is 30 mg/kg Ketamine + 4 mg/kg Midazolam. 

Ketamine/Dexmedetomidine Preparation and Dosing

Mouse Cocktail #1: Recommended for Shorter Procedures and/or Restraint

  Drug Stock Concentration Volume Used for Cocktail Volume of Cocktail Administered to Mouse Dose Administered to Mouse
Ketamine 100 mg/ml 1.25 ml ---- 75 mg/kg
Dexmedetomidine 0.5 mg/ml 2.5 ml ---- 1 mg/kg
Saline Sterile, isotonic 1.25 ml ----  
Combination Total 5 ml 0.1 mg/25 gm IP  

Mouse Cocktail #2: Recommended for Longer Surgical Procedures

  Drug Stock Concentration Volume Used for Cocktail Volume of Cocktail Administered to Mouse Dose Administered to Mouse
Ketamine 100 mg/ml 1.25 ml ---- 75 mg/kg
Dexmedetomidine 0.5 mg/ml 2.5 ml ---- 1 mg/kg
Ace promazine 10 mg/ml 0.12 ml ---- 1 mg/kg
Saline Sterile, isotonic 1.13 ml ----  
Combination Total 5 ml 0.1 ml/25 gm IP  
Atipamezole (= Antisedan) Reversal Agent

This anesthetic reversal agent is an alpha-2 antagonist.  It is highly recommended to use with Mouse Cocktail #2.

It is used to reverse the effects of xylazine or dexmedetomidine.

It is recommended to make a 0.25 mg/ml stock solution (from 5 mg/ml solution in purchased bottle).

To make 0.25 mg/ml stock solution, make a 1:20 dilution:  Add 0.5 ml Atipamezole to 9.5 ml sterile water or sterile saline.

Mouse Dosage:  ~1-2.5 mg/kg

Give 0.3 ml SC or IP of 0.25 mg/ml stock solution to 30 gm mouse.

Give 0.2 ml SC or IP of 0.25 mg/ml stock solution to 20 gm mouse.


Rat Cocktail #1

  Drug Stock Concentration Volume Used for Cocktail Volume of Cocktail Administered to Mouse Dose Administered to Mouse
Ketamine 100 mg/ml 0.8 ml ---- 50 mg/kg
Dexmedetomidine 0.5 mg/ml 0.8 ml ---- 0.25 mg/kg
Saline Sterile, isotonic 2.4 ml ----  
Combination Total 4 ml 0.25 ml/100 gm IP  

Rat Cocktail #2

  Drug Stock Concentration Volume Used for Cocktail Volume of Cocktail Administered to Mouse Dose Administered to Mouse
Ketamine 100 mg/ml 1.2 ml ---- 75 mg/kg
Dexmedetomidine 0.5 mg/ml 0.8 ml ---- 0.25 mg/kg
Saline Sterile, isotonic 2.0 ml ----  
Combination Total 4 ml 0.25 ml/100 gm IP  
Atipamezole (= Antisedan) Reversal Agent

This anesthetic reversal agent is an alpha-2 antagonist.  It is highly recommended to use with Both Rat Cocktails # 1 & 2.  Rats may sleep for 4-5 hours if reversal agent is not administered.

It is used to reverse the effects of xylazine or dexmedetomidine.

It is available as a 5 mg/ml injectable solution. 

It is recommended to make a 0.25 mg/ml stock solution (from 5 mg/ml solution in purchased bottle). 

To make 0.25 mg/ml stock solution, make a 1:20 dilution:  Add 0.5 ml Atipamezole to 9.5 ml sterile water or sterile saline.

Rat Dosage:  1 mg/kg

Give 0.6 ml SC or IP of 0.25 mg/ml stock solution per 150 gm rat.

Note:  SC or IP fluid support following procedure is recommended with use of these cocktails.  Less bladder tone is evident and rats urinate frequently while anesthetized.