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TFISE Impact

The TFISE provides administrative, technical, and financial resources to assist our campus community in addressing environmental and sustainability research and outreach initiatives.

SCG Sustainability Challenge Grants

A competitive, internal grant program dedicated to elevating the awareness of sustainability on campus and facilitating novel interdisciplinary projects. This highly successful program has been a perennial feature in the sustainability community on campus, generating multiple publications, serving as pilot funding for extramural grants, and building capacity in research, instruction, and outreach efforts on campus.

Program Information

TFISE Pilot Grants Focused on Environmental Issues

One-year pilot grants, focused on research on environmental issues, are offered periodically and chosen with assistance of the Pilot Grant Review program of the Center for Clinical and Translational Studies following review by a panel of experts.  Quality of the proposed research and the prior record of the proposer are key criteria for success of these proposals that can range up to $50K in exceptional cases.