College of Nursing Research interests: Cervical cancer among African immigrant women and health disparities
Joseph Benitez
Health Management and Policy, College of Public Health Research interests: Health economics and empirical health policy analysis using applied econometrics techniques focused on Medicaid
Jean Fry
Athletic Training and Clinical Nutrition, College of Health Sciences Research interests: Rehabilitation following ACL tear and reconstruction surgery, rehabilitation nutrition, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and precision medicine
Cetewayo Rashid
Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences, College of Medicine Research interests: Environmental factors that contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes
Michael Samaan
Kinesiology and Health Promotion, College of Education Research interests: Use of biomechanics and musculoskeletal imaging to better understand the mechanisms and effects of lower extremity joint diseases
Lauren Whitehurst
Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences Research interests: Body/brain interactions during sleep to produce regulatory effects on cognition and health