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General Overview - AAHRPP Interactive Training [HTML] This interactive online module provides an overview of AAHRPP standards, UK’s Human Research Protection Program, and ethical conduct of human studies.
K-12 Teacher & Support Staff Human Subject Protection (HSP) Training [Launch Course]

Unique ethical challenges arise in school-based research with mitigating tension between an authoritarian environment and the voluntary nature of research, minimizing potential social or psychological harms, and protecting privacy and confidentiality in group settings involving children.

ORI has developed training specifically for teachers and support staff assisting researchers with human studies in a K-12 classroom.  The course consists of five modules with reference context such as historic ethical harms, interactive knowledge checkpoints, and case scenarios specific to teachers helping with recruitment, obtaining consent/assent, and collecting data. 

Getting Started [HTML] Step-by-step guide to submitting an IRB application, IRB approval and beyond.
Emergency Preparedness Response Plan [PDF] Guidance for initiating a response to an emergency/disaster situation impacting the University of Kentucky (UK) Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) including plans to enable sustainability of the HRPP and continuing protection of participants in research during emergencies.
Informed Consent Website [HTML] This serves as a one-stop website with informed consent resources ranging from creation to documentation and everything in between. Linked pages include guidance on various processes, situations, and subject populations.  Also, includes links to externally launched external consent trainings.
Short Form Consent Process [HTML] A short form consent process is an option when not targeting or anticipating non-English speaking individuals and there is not enough time or resources available to translate the English version of the approved consent document into a language the potential participant understands. In addition to short forms and HIPAA authorizations translated into 10 languages, the webpage provides guidance, a video overview, and interactive FAQ.
UK ORI Informed Consent Process Interactive Course [HTML] This interactive online module outlines components, strategies, and resources for achieving a valid informed consent process.
FDA-Regulated Research Website [HTML] This website is dedicated to the review and conduct of FDA-regulated research.  Includes Q & A, resources, and interactive tools.
Training Videos & Interactive Tools [HTML] Since 2020, the ORI Education Team has built a library of topic-specific videos, recordings, and interactive tools.  These resources aim to provide clear and accurate content, in a brief and engaging format.
Survey Website [HTML] & Consent Templates – Identifiable  [WORD]& Anonymous [WORD] This webpage includes survey guidance and tools developed to meet the diverse needs of survey researchers. Includes resources for advertising, consent, platforms, fraud prevention, and regulations applicable to school-based surveys.
Unanticipated Problems Involving Risks to Subjects or Others (UPIRSOs) - Prompt/NonPrompt Reporting [PDF] This document was developed to help research teams understand the differences between an internal prompt event and an internal non-prompt event, based on the first three prompt reporting criteria in the UK UP Policy.
PI Self-Assessment Reviews [HTML] This type of review may be voluntarily performed by the PI or their research staff. A PI may also be prompted by direct invitation at the discretion of the IRB, Vice President for Research, or ORI Director to perform a self-assessment review. Medical and Nonmedical Assessment tools are available, as well as a Participant Satisfaction Template.