In FY 2015-16, Research created a pool of start-up funds by reserving 20% of the estimated F&A budget for the year to return to colleges to help offset the cost of strategic faculty recruitments. To calculate the Formulaic Start-up Award, we take the average % of F&A earned by colleges for the last 4 complete years. That percent is then applied to the pool resulting in the Formulaic Start-up for each college. All colleges receive a minimum Formulaic Start-up Award of $10,000.
Appropriate Uses:
- Faculty research support (start-up, retention, bridge funding, etc.)
- Graduate student support
- Research equipment (purchase, upgrades, maintenance, repair, etc.)
- Research seminars/symposia/workshops
- Domestic and foreign research travel
- Research faculty and staff salary support*
- Research supplies (includes research related office supplies)
*Formulaic Start-Up funds are considered to be a non-recurring source of funding. Caution should be exercised when supporting faculty and staff salaries.
Excluded Uses:
- Faculty salary supplements (overloads)
- Purely instructional activities
- Teaching Assistant (TA) salaries